Wednesday, June 11

Women attack and discourage young men from bonding sexually with each other by calling them ‘gay’.
My colleague in office -- a clever, liberated modern young girl -- knows that I have a sexual thing for men, which is much greater Is much greater than for gtirls. And she hates it, although, since we are very good friends, and I’m ‘in closet’ she can’t do much about it. But she gets very angry when boy ater boy from the office started flirting with me. First it was her own boyfriend and then she put her foot down. She angrily barged in when I was alone with her boyfriend in his room and started shouting at me asking me why I’ told her I would be coming back to her (our) room but have instead gone to Sunil (name changed) room. Eventhough, she did not openly say something, because in India, at least as of now, girls cannot say that they are into relationships with a man… she did not openly point fingers, but made herself clear. I stayed out from her boyfriend, even though by this time he was emotionally too attached with me.

And then, another guy Sanjay started to get close to me. Now, since in India boys can get pretty much physically close to each other without raising suspicions, Sanjay, used to getphysically very close to me, often putting his cheeks on mine, and so often touching my crotch. However, he was the perfect ‘heyterosexual’ guy, who fell in love with a girl, even while flirting with me. And everyone in the office know how deeply he was in love with a girl. It was for this reason that I started to avoid him, because I didn’t want to be in a mess. But this girl Sujat5a (name changed) saw him and started to be very nasty with him. First, once when he had pulled hmy chair close to him and leaned over me to whisper into my ears, she came suddenly and shouted